the sea.

Today I went to the sea. The sky had a lightened-storm look about it. First happened a lunch at my favorite restaurant, Captain Jack's (the funny thing is that it is a seafood place and I always have the best fettucine alfredo ever there). I breathed it all in and looked out over the salt marshes. It is, of course, too early yet for them to have taken in summer but they are still fascinating.
At the beach the waves were big and crashing. If one is ever feeling out-of-sorts, all that person needs is to stand on the shore-strand and be buffeted by the sea-winds and then all the bad is blown out of him until he only feels sea. It not being summer, the beach was mostly empty except for my parents and I and one other guy. We collected some rocks because sea rocks are special; it's more obvious that they could've come from any magical place in the world.
The roads by the sea are enchanted. We drove through skinny lanes of tiny beach cottages with sandy, sea-grassy yards. They looked mostly empty in this season. They are all colored as houses can only be colored by the sea. We drove and drove and I feasted my sight on all the magical things to see by the ocean - the cottages and docks and boats and water and the sea-grass and sand and salt marshes. The wind kept blowing quite a bit.
I remembered that sea-feel that is so unique. One can't find it anywhere else. Spending a day that feels like an era at the seashore, exploring the sandy landscape and being nourished by the salty tang of the wind. Captain Jack's and Ben and Jerry's and all the countless times my friends and family and I have had the most magical adventures. I love them all. And I know that those summer-times will never end as long as there is summer-time, and though I had been upset with thoughts of growing-up (signs pointing to the fact that someday we will have to), I knew that one can always still be as a child in the world when there are so many wonderful things beyond comprehension. Coming home so late, salty, wearing carefree beach garments: bathing suit, towel, sometimes sandals and sometimes barefoot, maybe a hat. When the stars are out and you have watched the sunset by the sea and been a child all day but feel wiser than the oldest sage. Being tired in that specific beach-tiredness that is full of gladness and salt and sea.
I would never give up my seashore for anything.
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